Wednesday's Encouragement


Sunday - 8AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Small Groups

Welcome to wednesday's encouragement!

Please let me know if you have any questions about what you read or want further discussion!

The Psychology of Counseling & Faith -Wednesday

by: Arthur Greer



Teachable Moments 

Accepting Responsibility

We’re talking about key principles in the issue of change, how you change your life. We started out by talking about accepting responsibility. If you don’t accept responsibility, you’re always going to be a victim. Seriously.

Stay Teachable

The second key principle: Stay teachable. Allow yourself to absorb wisdom and direction in life.

Tiger Woods—everybody knows the Woods story. I find this fascinating. When Tiger was growing up—and ...
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by: Arthur Greer




How about the self-absorption piece? 

I saw a piece about people taking selfies recently, and that it’s associated with mental disorders. 

I don’t know if that’s true or not, but people are absorbed and lost in the world of self.

*Sorrows of the Past

How about abuse of past, the depth of sorrow that some people have?

*Predatory Sexual Behavior

Go to the other side of it, the predatory sexual behavior and chaos that some people are caught up in.

*The Heart Reveals

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